YaraMila CEREAL is a high quality compound NPK, specifically designed for cereal crops. The balanced nutrients mean the crop get a good typical support for the development phases at base and top dressing.
Each prill or granule Is a compound fertilizer and contains each nutrient in its formula.
A part of the nitrogen is nitrate form which is directly absorbed by the plant. A well-timed application of YaraMilaCEREAL minimizes nitrogen losses compared to other NPK and straight fertilizers. A more efficient nitrogen source also means a lower loss of nutrients to the environment.
Unique phosphate:
The nitrophosphate production process gives YaraMila CEREALa unique combination of polyphosphates and orthophosphates. These forms give greater availability of soluble phosphate to crops over a wide range of soil types. The polyphosphate component of the product also assists crop availability of micronutrients, for example manganese, in the soil.
Nutrition release and uptake:
YaraMilaCEREALdissolves quickly and evenly when in contact with the soil in humid conditions or after a nights’ dew. This means rapid release of the nutrients at the correct time to feed the growing crop. In dry climates, YaraMila CEREAL’s greater solubility helps the nutrients reach the roots where limited soil moisture is available. It has a greater solubility.
Formula : NPK 23-10-5 +2 MgO, +3 S, +0.3 Zn
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